Monday, 23 February 2009

Guppy Love!

And they call it Guppy lo.o.o.ove!

In number one fish tank we have a bit of a love story going on. We have a little Guppy, we did have three but lost two. There are several other fish in there with him and he was quite happy.

Then, last weekend, we got a pair of Kribensis. They are very sweet fish with a lovely pink blush. Little Guppy thinks so to because he has fallen for the female Kribensis. He is following her around all over the tank. So sweet. Bless him he doesn't seem to realise they are different species.

The photo isn't very good but little Guppy is on the left and his 'girlfriend' is on the right.

Thank you for all your kind words about dad. He goes for a CT scan on the 5th March. Fingers crossed.


DAB said...

Fingers crossed for your Dad.

I wonder if there will be little baby GUP BENS soon :) TFx

HelenMWalters said...

Aah what sweet fish. Unrequited love - I know it so well x. That's a lovely photo of Jamie and your Dad in the sidebar. Lots of love to all of you.

DJ Kirkby said...

I just don't know what to say about your dad except I expect this must be a struggle for you all. I expect you want the CT scan to hurry up and happen and to not happen at all. Wishing you happiness. The story about the love struck guppy is sweet. xo

Halo said...

Hope all goes well for your dad xx

My Twinkle would love those fish!!

Michelle said...

Thinking of you and your family at this really difficult time. I'm so sorry, you are all in our thoughts.

Hope the news is better than you could hope for!


French Fancy... said...

I hope the scan goes well and that the waiting is not doing you all in too much. I love the photos of your son along the sidebar - he looks so cute and angelic.

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Egg would adore them! I would adore them, infact we could prob put them where the tv is and just watch them, lol.

Everything crossed for the 5th of Mrach. I love the photos of Jamie and your dad.

claire p said...

TF- GupBens? Humm could be intresting :0)

Helen- Unrequited love is a real bummer, poor little fish.

DJ- Hit the nail on the head. We need to know, but don't want to know.

Halo- The fish are great, we have three tanks now. I would recommend getting one.

Mikemouse- Thank you, I do to.

FF- He is angelic (most of the time), wouldn't change him for anything.

Rainbowmummy- Get one! You will find yourself staring at them all the time though.

Swerdnic- Oh course you'r going through something simmilar with your dad. Hope all goes well for you to.

And thank you to everyone for all your thoughts and best wishes. I'll keep you posted.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, to live in a fish bowl and just swim all day huh? - wait, maybe not, i don't think I could handle swimming in my own pee and poop.

oh, and as far as the blogger thing - yeah, I know, that is why I left - too much complications going on.


Paulene Angela said...

And they called it Guppy Love
Oh I guess they'll never know
how a young heart really feels
and just why I love her so

And they called it Guppy Love
just because we're in our teens
tell them all
please tell them it isn't fair
to take away my only dream ......
(Donny Osmond of course)

Like everyone else I love the pictures of your father and Jamie.
Wishing you all the best for the
5th of March.

DJ Kirkby said...

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the lovely review. It means a lot that you understand. xo

Casdok said...

Guppy love - ahhhh!

All the best for the scan.

I did love at Camphill and also liked them but unfortunalty C is not able enough and they wouldnt have him

Casdok said...

Meant 'look at'!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I shall definately cross my fingers for your dad on 5th March.