Saturday, 9 May 2009

Don't think I wanted to know that!

It is well known that holidaymakers leave their common sense, manners, road sense and ability to tell the time at home. But now it seems they have also started to leave their inhibitions and sense of shame there also.

You will remember the young couple in the swimming pool the other week, not swimming. Never mind that it was a pool that was open to anyone else staying there, as well as being visible to anyone walking past. They didn't care who might see them (not even her parents who were staying there as well).

You may also remember the tale of the businessman with his 'buy one get one free' Thai sisters, and the sheets that had to be binned after their visit.?

Well they've been at it again.

She was in her 50's and he in his early 30's by the look of them. Now I'm in no position to comment on age differences as you know. Richard is old enough to be my father and my step-son (who I've never met) is the same age as me. So good for them, why not if it works? And it obviously did.

I don't do this particular cottage because it's a Friday changeover and I do another one in a different place. But Richard came home and said that they obviously had a very good week. In his words there was 'evidence of a lot of sexual activity. And not just on the bed.'
'Oh?' says I. 'Where else then?'
'The bath.'
Ok fair enough, we've probably all been there.
'And the living room mirror.' Pardon?!?

Ok too much information. I really don't want to know how they managed to get 'it' over the living room mirror.


Blu said...

Lets face it its up to them where what and how. However that is terrible that they leave you a mess to deal with. YUK.

claire p said...

Oh I quite agree. What they do is up to them. But I couldn't look someone in the eye knowing that I'd left them to clean up afer me.

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

You should have cottages like "smoking or non smoking" for sex, lol. If they want a sex cottage hand them a complementary basket of condoms and bleach, lmao.

Thanks for your email, I am a bit of a wreck just now, but don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for Egg.

Michelle said...

Yuk Yuk Yuk!! Sex is normal and natural and when and how is their business...unfortunately they make it your business as you have to be creative in your clean up! Defitiely have to harness some of this for writing but maybe leave the mirror bit down to yukky experience!!!!

DJ Kirkby said...

Oh dear...I'd clean up after...wouldn't you? xo

DAB said...

Blickin' Nora! Good material for a book though ;-) TFx

HelenMWalters said...

ooer - more fodder for your book!

Lane Mathias said...

euuwwww. Dirty people. Could they not have had a whip round with a cloth and some discinfectant?

French Fancy... said...

How can people leave someone else to clean up their dirties like this? Yuk!

Paulene Angela said...

What's going on down there in Cornwall, is there something in that Cornish Air?

No, seriously there's mess and there is mess, more than that, what happened to basic higiene!!

I'm amazed why someone would not clean up this type of mess?

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Yo know that dvd ou sent me, have you seen it? sounds like whats goin on down there is sex obsessed cornwall ;)
word ver: butship, lmo

Caroline said...

Isn't it amazing how images can flash into our heads after a couple of lines :)

Sounds like you have a perfect setting for a novel!