Monday 18 May 2009

I'm regressing!

As you have been able to see from my side bar I am currently reading 'Twilight'. Now this is not at all the sort of thing I would normally read at all. But mum came home with it from the mobile library. I saw it on her table and asked why she had chosen it, it's not her sort of thing either, apart from anything else she's 70. She said the man on the van had recommended it so she took it.

Now I have twin God daughters who are 15 and they are very into the twilight series so I had heard of it. I decided that, seeing as it was just sitting there I'd borrow it and have a read, see what all the fuss is about.

And I'm totally hooked! Not least because of Edward Cullen, oh my! Now I know he's a 17 year old vampire and I'm a wrong side of 30 housewife. But a girl can dream. It is rare that a character in a book does anything for me, it has only happened once before.

Maybe I'm just going backwards. In my defence I am, an will forever be, 16 in my head.

It looks like Richard Hammond may have a rival for my affections!

On the Jamie front. Well I have now had three night with little or no sleep. I have reached the slightly lightheaded stage now. Which may explain why vampires have become so appealing!


HelenMWalters said...

17 year old vampires don't really do it for me, but I did fall in love with Jackson Brodie in the Kate Atkinson novels

Blu said...

The two chaps look very alike! Never heard of Twilight.

claire p said...

Helen; Nor me, not in general. It just shows the quality of the writing.

Blu; Do you think so? Well richard hammond is quite short and called richard, and edward has red hair. My husband is short with red hair and is called richard!!

Paulene Angela said...

Stephenie Meyer books are is so big over here in Spain. Lots of young girls jumped from Harry P over to the collection, I believer there are 4, but do not quote me on that. I was intrigued to the popularity, in fact I asked my friends daughters come on what's the catch, you cannot seem to put the book down. Seems it's because there is a little spicey romance going on ... and for a 12 and 14 year old this is very very interesting!! :-)

I feel for you with the lack of sleep.

French Fancy... said...

First A Woman of No Importance going on about this book, now you - maybe if it fell into my lap I'd read it - but at the first cliché I'd throw it away

shame about your sleepless nights.

DJ Kirkby said...

Why are you not getting any sleep? Is Jamie poorly?

Leigh Forbes said...

I'm with Helen on the age thing, but I can see that he's kinda cute!

Marcie Steele said...

Claire, I too read Twilight, to find out what the hype was all about. I too at, ahem, 42, got hooked on it. I just loved the romance that came out between the lines and the way that I felt I knew how a vampire exists. Silly I know but hey, that's me.

Sorry to hear about Jamie. After having so many sleepless nights myself recently, I know the lightheaded feeling. Let's hope it calms down soon, peaks and troughs. x

claire p said...

FF; I would never have read it had it not 'fallen into my lap' either.

DJ; Jamie's fine. This is just what he does, all the time...

L-plate author; Hurahh, someone else who gets it.

Leigh; Can't really comment on age diffrences as I was 17 and Richard 39 when we got engaged!

Paulene; Like I said I am actually only 16!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I love the sound of that book, and will have to have a look at it.

DAB said...

Hope you get a some good sleep tonight :) TFx

Paulene Angela said...

I'm getting really tempted to read that book, do not feel like 16 today, but sure would like too! Maybe it's just the tonic I need.

Annicles said...

My neice loves these books and THAT is the reason I can never pick one up! She is so obnoxious sometimes and especially about this book that i could not giver her the satisfaction of ever reading it...... Which probably means I am about the right age (mentaly) to be really enjoying it!!!!

Lane Mathias said...

Poor Richard. He may be a bit miffed about being replaced!:-)

Hope you can get some proper sleep soon> x

Michelle said...

Hoping to read Twilight soon too as Kat has spoken well of it too.
Hope you get some zzzzzz soon my dear.

claire p said...

Lane; Well it might make him buck up his ideas, Caroline had similar trouble with Simon.

Paulene, Mickmouse, Annicles, Debs; Read it, read it!!!

TF, Mickmouse; Two not so bad nights now, so not in quite such a coma!!

Krystal said...

shh....don't tell anyone but I was bashing all the "twilighters" and my husband bought the movie - now I am hooked!!! But shhhh our little secret mkay?

Kat W said...

Originally I turned my nose up at the Twilight books. But then a friend lent me the first and before I knew it I'd read all the twilight books and bought the DVD of the film (after watching at the cinema). Oh yes I am a huge fan. Sad as that may be. Edward Cullen has become my second favourite swoonable novel hero after the untouchable Mr Darcy!

And by the way, the first book is probably the least impressive - they definetly get better.

Oh and read Ms Meyer's other book 'The Host' which is excellent.

Hope you get some sleep soon. Otherwise how else will you get to dream about Edward! LOL.

Kat :-)

claire p said...

Krystal and KatW; Yes! Moew people to stop me feeling like a freak!! I've just started New Moon and have Eclipse to look forward to. And the DVD is on its way from amazon, I won't tell if you don't!

Tamsyn Murray said...

TD is nuts about this series (but says my writing is better than Stephanie Meyer's - fond daughter!)

Hope you get some kip soon. I'm suffering the same but mine's puppy related x

Anonymous said...

wow.. that was a good post

Ladyhihi said...

17 year old vampires don't really do it for me, but I did fall in love with Jackson Brodie in the Kate Atkinson novels

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