Happy Easter everyone!
I know what you're all thinking. Puffins aren't very Eastery. Well no. But round here we quite like them. We called our business after them. And Easter marks the start of the 'silly season', our feet won't touch the ground now until after October half term.
I have to say the novelty of looking after nearly 20 holiday cottages has worn off a bit over the years. It would be fine, if it wasn't for the holidaymakers. Oh you've gotta love 'em. Already we've had a leaking shower. That was fair enough I suppose. But some of the things they come up with!! Like setting fire to the quilt because they had let their child take the bedside lamp under the covers to read her book.
And the man who phones up at 11pm to get the web code for the WIFI because the kids were in bed and he wanted to watch porn. Or the one who called demanding we go down and change a light bulb for them (we live 10 mile away). And how many people have lost their keys or locked themselves out I've lost count. I really wonder how they manage to be quit so vacant and odd. I really hope I don't act like that when I'm on holiday. Like the man who complained that the towels 'reeked' of smoke. He was, he said, allergic to cigarette smoke, unyet he had booked a smoking cottage (one that allows smokers)!! There was the couple who bought their African parrot with them. And the woman who brought her two cats and then had a hissy fit when they caught fleas from the farm cats. The cottage had never had a cat in it before and she'd been letting them out. I'm still not quite sure what she thought we could do. We offered to get flea spry but she didn't want it.
A lot of people just think they can get some compensation if they complain. You can guarantee it when the weather's not good. One of the best complaints was that the radiators only got hot when the heating was turned on, and that there was only one grill pan (there was only one grill !!!). Someone even complained that the wall cupboards in the kitchen were not regulation height above the work tops.
We really do see it all. Like the business man with two Thai sisters. I won't go into details but we had to scrap the sheets!!
I keep saying I'm going to write it all down, but no one would believe me.
OMG THAT IS THE BEST IDEA FOR A BOOK EVER!!!!! I was in stitches just reading it, esp the parrot, the radiators and the grill pan, oh and the porn, hahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha.
Ok, Claire, the joke is up, it us, all your readers. We go, dress up and complain. Sorry, lol.
No seriously, I so want to go there now, if I come down, can I live with you and pretend to work there? So when porn man phones I can tell him the code is "d-i-r-t-y-b-a-s-t-a-r-d", I'll even bring ten grill pans with me.
Oh Claie I needed this laugh today. How do you manage to work with out wetting yourself?!
opps here's your r Claire, lol
On the other side of the Atlantic I can simpathises with you and the holiday makers. My big complaint I do wish they would put their shirts on while going around the supermarket, we do have air-conditioning here. Apart from that we love to see them they bring a lot of laughs to the area.
I had to laugh at the business man and the Thai sisters, because not far from where I live we have a Belgium guy married, for over 25 years, with Thai sisters. They are very happy with the arrangement!
Sounds like great material for a book or two.
Rainbowmummy; We can always use a good scrubber!!! (to do cleaning that is).
Pauline; Yes you have to laugh at them.
Write it down! I'd buy it. Lx
I could always pretend to clean, the way I do at home by wiping everything with a babywipe?
Yes, do write it down. More please TFx
Oh Claire, just when I thought I was safe to dip my toe in the water! I am even more scared now, only 5 weeks until take-off and the worst is... yes you guessed it, we live on site!!!! Help, you should write the goings on down. We have thought of a way to nickname people and write key notes on cards so we can always say we are busy the time they might want next year!
You soooo have to write a comic novel based on that! People are unbelievable aren't they! Do your radiators really only get hot when the heating's on? That's shocking!
Yes, yes, this is a book!!
Brilliant stuff (not so brilliant for you though).
I am so shocked at the radiator revelation. Who'd have thunk it:-)
Yes write it down girl!!
Have a great easter xx
These are brilliant - definitely write them down. I was smiling all through it! Emmetts..don't you just love them! Actually they are great but you do wonder how some people cope at home. I think setting fire to the quilt is the most astonishing one...though it is hard to pick a favourite. Hope you are enjoying the Cornish spring weather (apart from today of course - Monday)
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