Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Bloody Ears!!

Ok so Richard took Jamie to the ENT department while I whimpered at home with a migraine. The doctor was not as helpful as he might have been and insisted in squirting something nasty in Jamie's ears. He then declared that there was nothing wrong. Well, to be fair they haven't been weeping lately so we thought great, problem solved. Or not.

About ten this morning school phoned to say that there was blood coming from Jamie's left ear (the one that was most trouble). Instant panic. With the hydrocephalus we have to be watchful of the signs that the pressure has gone up. One of the signs id bleeding ears. So it was a dash to school and then to the doctors.

Turns out that the infection is back. Whatever the ENT doc did caused more harm than good. Our GP was NOT impressed. SO Jamie's back on the antibiotics. Which means another delay in his lumber puncture. We have already had to cancel it twice because of this ruddy infection. Ho hum.

Now the lovely Lane recently asked us what the fourth picture in the fourth file was on our computers. Well I was sure it would be a picture of the roof in various stages of decay. Bit its wasn't it was Charlie. ( I can't seem to get blogger to put the photo here where I want it!!
Charlie was a very superior Siamese fighting fish, no longer with us.

And for those of you following it, Mulberry Gin Chapters 4 and 5 and on number 2 blog.


DAB said...

Hope the liitle one is OK and your migraine has gone m'dear TFx

Lane Mathias said...

How awful that the ENT specialist made it worse and put you all through that:-(
Hope you - and Jamie - are feeling better now.

Charlie was a handsome devil!

Paulene Angela said...

Oh that's a bummer with the ENT. I left a message for you on your previous post about grommets.
Hope the infection gets cleared up quickly.

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Oh I hope Jamie is ok, I hope this isn't causing him to much stress. I swear have the people we have delt with for anyting don't know what they are doing.

Yay you linked :0)

Casdok said...

Poor Jamie - hope it clears up soon.

claire p said...

Tom and Casdok: He seems fine. He takes it all in his stride.

Lane: Yes Charlie was very good looking fish.

Pauline: I got your message about grommets. Good idea, if I could get Jamie to understand what it was I wanted him to do, which I probably wouldn't yet. But I'll remember the tip for later.

Rainbowmummy: I linked!! To be honest most of the bods we have dealings with have been great, just this one.

HelenMWalters said...

Goodness, the thing with your little boy's ear sounds really worrying. Hope all is OK now. I'll catch up with Mulberry Gin over the weekend. Can't wait.

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Thanks for your loverly comment!! I used to love writing but inspired by you the other day, from your short story (still saving the book for when I NEED it-do you need books? am I odd?!) anyway I tried to write and all I could do was VERY sexual, oops :0) Don't think I could blog that "filth"!!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Poor Jamie, that must have been so painful for him, and poor you, so frightening. Hope your migraine has gone too.

What a beautifully coloured fish.

D..J. Kirkby said...

Gorgeous beta rays, Bonnie blogger loves them too. I was going to say I had constant ear infections for years until I had vaccum micoscopy then realised tha tyour son has HC and so I expect this may not be a suitable proceedure? Good luck getting it cleared up, does he really hate the LP's or is he used to them now?

Blu said...

Hi...I have tagged you

claire p said...

Helen and Debs: All seems better now thanks.

Rainbowmummy: Yes I need book very much. And 'filth' is v fashionable again I hear.

DJ Kirkby: Hi, welcome. To be honest we get more stressed than Jamie, they knock him out for the LP's and MRI's.

Blu: Thanks. Will look in the files.