Tuesday, 13 January 2009

The fantasy man and the ruddy tax man!

I'm so chuffed that so many of you liked my story 'Living the Dream'. I thought you (rainbowmummy) might like to know who the fantasy man is that Ally drifts off with to escape her vile husband. Well here he is (I can't seem to get blogger to inset pic into the text, it always puts them above!). He is Morten Harket. If any f you over 30's remember the 80's pop group A-ha, then you will know who I mean. I was mad about him in my teens and, now and again, he pops back into my head. This makes me sound like a nutty fan, but I've come across some of those and I promise you I'm not. But the first few lines of the story are from a dream I had involving Mr Harket a few months ago. I have had ideas come out of dreams before, they can be very fruitful source material.
Someone I will NOT be dreaming about is the ruddy tax man. I stupidly decided this year that we would do the business tax return online this time. Well I won't be doing that again! I've already waisted half the morning. Still I won't bore you with a rant, I might call their help line and rant direct! If anyone else is doing the same at the mo, then you have my sympathies.
Now a brief technical question. I'm having a blond moment (and as I am blond with an hons degree I can say that). I notice that most of you have names or words highlighted and we can click on them and be taken to another blog or a web site. Ok so how do I do that then? I've tried and failed so far. Maybe I'm just not cut out for this technology business!! All advice gladly welcome.


Lucy Diamond said...

Hello Claire, like your blog! (and the Morten Harket pics... mmm, that takes me back...)
To make a link, you have to highlight the text you want to become a link, click on that thing that looks a bit like a paperclip in front of a green ball, and put the link in there. Hope that makes sense!

Leigh Forbes said...

Oooh, Morten Harket. I rememmber him, Dead gorgeous he was. I used to sneak off to the girls loo and listen to that song on my not-a-Walkman. I don't blame you for dreaming about him!

To make a link put:

e.g. a link to your blog would be:
<a href="http://clairesblogg.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">Claire's Blog</a>, which will look like this: Claire's Blog

If you include the target="_blank" bit, it will open the link in a new page (though Blogger won't let you do this from the comments section!).

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Hey thanks again :0)

Ok, to make a link, and just to you know it took me forever to work it out too..this is how I do it...

1) write my post

2) open a new window, so I can keep my post open.

3) in the new window I find the thing I want to link.

4) I highlight the address, right click on it and select copy.

5) I go back to my window where I am writing my post and highlight the word I want to link

6) I click on the box that is in between the font colours and align left, just drag the mouse slowly over them and there names come up.

7) When you click on the link box a little window/box(?) will come up, just paste the address into it, making sure there is only one https:// at the start, I try to remember to hit delete before pasting (as https:// is already written in the box, and is highlighted).

I probably do this the hardset way ever but I hope that helps :0)

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Oh wow, Leigh, thank you for that! Someone tried to tell me before how to link in comments but I just couldn't get it!

claire p said...

Thanks all. I will try to get my head around that one, watch this space.

Yes he is rather dreamy. And just as good in person.

Leigh: I still have THAT song on my ipod.

Michelle said...

Looking at those pictures and I am thirteen again!! I went to see my first concert at the Hammersmith Apollo in London at the gae of fourteen to see AHA. Seriously teen lust went on and bizarely kick started my teen phase of writing. I used to write romance stories involving my friends and myself and the three members of AHA. It was always Morten for me though. (sigh)

Thank you for my trip down raging hormones lane!!!

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Oh I forgot to say to get photos where you want them here's what I do again, prob not the correct/easy way, lol)

I write my post, the put on the photos, so they are at the top, then I to to edit HTML, which is the tab behind compose (the box that you are writing the post in). The I highlight the code fr the photo, cut it and paste it where I want it to be :0)

HelenMWalters said...

Aaagh, I'm doing my tax return at the moment and it's driving me insane!

Calm thoughts of Morten Harket are a much better idea.

Leigh Forbes said...

Just wondering why everyone is doing their tax returns now? Is it the 29th already?

Leon1234 said...

Hey, how are you doing? Good post!!!

Casdok said...

Oh yes i remember A-ha! Hope you dont have any dreams about the tax man!!

claire p said...

Leigh: I wish I had the courage to leave it to the last minuet, but I just want it over and done with!

Leon: Doing fine thanks, you?

Casdok: If I do dream of the tax man it will involve some fore of revenge!!

Helen: Do the tax return or lust after Morten? Hummm hard one that!!

Mikemouse: I saw them for the first time age 13, new years eve at the albert hall. Countless other times followed. It was always Morten for me to, and I got to meet him once!!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Liking the pics, but I dont envy you having to waste a morning with your tax form, eugh!

I took an age to figure out what to do with links, in fact it was only when Lane came to my rescue that I finally managed to do it.

Bonnie said...

Wow, now I need to go back and read your story! It's fun to put a face to a name! I liked Aha too as a youth, although my heart belonged to John Taylor of Duran Duran (not now, boy he hasn't aged well!).

I hope your tax issues work out! My hubby does them for us and I am totally unaware of what goes on. sad huh?

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Bonnie if you're sad, so am I! Men like doing right?!?!?

Anonymous said...

He IS still hot! And yes, he HAS aged well! ;-)

