Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Here we go again!!!!

I have been off radar for a few days, not intentionally. I won't bore you with the gory details, but lets just say a rabbit in the headlights has had nothing on me these last few days. Everything seems to have been going on around me. It has been taking a lot to remember to breathe in and out and put one foot in front of the other. But I did remember, and now I'm back. I will be catching up with all your lovely blogs and comments as soon as I can.

Wimbledon as started, hurah! I never watch sport, but love Wimbledon, go figure! Maybe it's because it means summer's here? Mind you summer means holiday makers, in droves, with all their peculiarities. Of which they have many. I expect they will appear here over the next few weeks.

Dad had the letter we had been waiting for, and dreading. He's been booked in for surgery on 7th July. He sees his doc tomorrow to find out the details. They have told us that there is a 10% chance he won't survive the surgery, this is not good odds apparently. I'm trying very hard to not think that these might be the last few days I have with him.

On a brighter note I'm off to London on 3rd for a hen weekend (I know, at my age!!). The friend was never, under any circumstances going to get married. So I'm going to prove to myself that it's real. And two days in London will be fab. We're going to a show, do some shopping...maybe drink too much (did I just say that out loud?) Anyway will take the camera and put the, probably very embarrassing, pics up.

The show is 'Priscilla, Queen of the Dessert'. I'm sure there's a link somewhere. If you've never seen the film you must, it's the funniest thing ever. You will never look at a ping pong ball in the same way again!!


HelenMWalters said...

Good luck for your Dad with the surgery. Try to focus on being with him when he comes out the other side x

Lucy Diamond said...

Hope it all goes well for you and your dad. I agree with Helen, try to stay positive.
Hope you enjoy the hen weekend - sounds wonderful!

French Fancy... said...

Thinking positive thoughts for you and your family looking forward to getting to know you over facebook

Have a great London weekend - you are someone who totally deserves to let their hair down and party party party when you can


Marcie Steele said...

Sorry to hear that things aren't any better for your dad honey. I'm sending my regards, my step father has just been diagnosed with stomach cancer. In two weeks, he's had an endoscopy, CT scan, results,is booked in for keyhole surgery for further investigations this Friday and then he starts chemo to reduce the tumour. They aren't sure until Friday whether they might have caught it in time but like you I'm keeping everything crossed.

So I'm pretty much where you are. Actually, that's not entirely true, because this is your dad and not a 'surrogate', if you know what I mean without offending anyone.

Stay smiling beneath the pain :) x

denise said...

I'm so sorry about having to hear that about your dad. What a horrific thing. Even tho 90% chances are phenomenal, it's hard to not think about the other percentage. The hen weekend couldn't come at a better time for you. How funny that over there you all call them hen weekends. My buds and I usually just call them a girls' weekend. It's funny how just two words like that bring all kinds of wonderful stuff to mind ~ shopping, giggling, pj's, no makeup, laughter, food, more laughter, and lots and lots of warm fuzzies (means the lovely, warm, feeling you get from being around such dear friends, in case you don't really use this term).
Hang in there and oh, by the way, I thought I was officially a "follower" of yours but I don't show up on your follower link so I'll have to look into it and make sure I'm following publicly. Take care!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Sending all good wishes for your dad for 7th.

Hope you have a fab time at the show and hen party. Do post some photos, I'd love to see them.

Lane Mathias said...

Sorry you've been having such a yuk time and I wish your dad the very best - and you.

I love watching Wimbledon too. I suppose because it's something I've done every year since I was kid so it's comforting I suppose.

Have a fab time at the hen party:-) xx

Kat W said...

Sorry you're having such a rubbish time. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts up the A30 to you (or is it down? where do you live again? And why haven't we met up as we live so close? Questions to consider another time). I'll be thinking of you all.

Meanwhile, make sure you have a good time in London on the 3rd - let your hair down & of course you should drink too much & spend money on unessential items. I'm green with envy that you're going to see that show - I look forward to you blogging about it.

Just one more thing.....Facebook?!! Why couldn't you have joined me on Twitter? Maybe you could manage one more thing - Twitter isn't very time consuming....

Take care
Kat :-)

Casdok said...

Really hope all goes well for your dad. Difficult time.

But hope you have the most fab time in London. I loved the film so can imagine the show will be bril!

Paulene Angela said...

Isn't that the show with Jason Donovan in? Whatever have a really fantastic time in London.

I've had put a note in my diary to say a little pray for your dad on the 7th July.

Last month my husband had another Stent inserted, the forms he had to sign before the op were really frightening quoting percentages of this and that. Okay they have to cover themselves as nothing can ever go 100% to plan but still I thought the guy already has major heart trouble, just give him some more worries. The op went perfect.

On that note I stay positive for a speedy recovery.

Paulene x

Tamsyn Murray said...

Oh honey, sorry you've had such a tough time. Sending some fairy dust x x