Saturday, 21 March 2009

Thanks Peeps!

Wow you are a fantastic bunch. I was in a bit of a funk in my last post. You know when it all gets a bit much? Well that was were I was. I took it out on the front of the house and gave it a dam good tidy. It was looking like a squat rather than a home out there. Now I've just got the back garden to rescue. Nothing much got done out there last year. There was scaffolding all over it until July. And then Richard went and had his heart attack in August, which kind of put the kibosh on gardening.

So I've decided to get in early before everything starts to grow away from me. And when the garden is done there are the veg plots up on the field. We had 3/4 of an acre in the village which we (I) have great plans for. So far we (I) have two large raised beds for veg and some fruit trees to go in this spring. Then we might get the pollytunnel up this summer. We're going to have a tunnel party. But the beer stays in the shed till the tunnel's up! Any volunteers? (our village partys are rather legenderry round here so it'll be worth it).

So, by and large (and I am very large), I'm feeling better about stuff. Thank you so much for being lovely.

Now rainbowmummy has tagged me to be involved in her threesome (no not like that, and anyway there are more than three of us). Doing this involves thinking, so I'll do that another day.


Blu said...

Hi, Glad to feel your happy mood. The recent warm weather here has got us all out and enjoying the gardens. So much to do and learn in the veg plot!

HelenMWalters said...

Good to hear you're feeling better honey xxx

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Why don't you want to do a threesome like that with me, I'm pretty *attempts a sexy face, and fails* lol.

What a great happy positive post, love it, love you!


French Fancy... said...

I am glad that you are feeling a bit 'spring in your step' -ish. Your tunnel party sounds a very good idea - if I wasn't so far away I'd be there and claim the odd bottle of cider or two. (I love cidre doux out here - much nicer than French lager)

Lane Mathias said...

The tunnel party sounds great. I will join in 'virtually':-)
Glad you're feeling a bit better:-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Your ideas for your plot/garden sound fabulous. I can't wait to see pictures of all that wonderful fruit/veg later in the year.

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Happy UK Mothers Day Claire xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Claire, I just pooped over from the Jellyblog and I have to say - RICHARD HAMMOND!!!!! What are you thinking? Jeremy Clarkson any day!

We haven't really been introduced yet - Hi, I'm Anna!!! Good to meet you. I have been lurking. RM is threatening a DBG cocktail. Drinks at 5? We can chat then!!! I'm happy you are feeling better.

Paulene Angela said...

The fruit and veg plot sounds a really great idea, gets everyone involved. Jamie I'm sure will love it. Unfortunately too far for me to pop over to help!
Paulene x

DJ Kirkby said...

oooh glad you are feeling lighter. can we see garden photos please? xo

claire p said...

Hi all. Yes feeling a bit less like jumping under a bus ( not that we get them round here).

I think I made a mistake telling you all about my gardening plans. No nagging please, I will get there (ish). Yes DJ I'll post some before nd after pics soon, bet they won't be as good as yours though.

Hi Anna, welcome! Drinks sound good. As for JC well, ummm, if you must. I'm afraid RH makes me go ping in places a married woman shouldn't go ping over another man.

Anonymous said...

What's a "polleytunnel" for us Americans, and I will help with it if it involves alcohalic beverages!

Casdok said...

Your village party sounds fab!!