Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Mulberry Gin the final chapters.

Just to let those of you who are reading it that the last two chapters are on Writing not Reading. I will poat properly tomorrow with the results of my threesome with rainbowmummy. Have got loads of editing to do, so off to do that.


HelenMWalters said...

Ooh, you are going to leave Mulberry Gin up for long enough for slowcoaches like me to catch up aren't you?

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Oh I second Helen, pleeeeease keep it up, I started reading it but then wanted to save it for a really good loooooong read, PLEASE KEEP IT THERE!!!

Yeah hurry up with the threesome, I have been sitting here with my legs open for days now ;)

French Fancy... said...

Well, once I finish my course I know where to come next.

DAB said...

Hey m'dear remember I'm a slow reader. Threesomes!?? Tfx

claire p said...

Don't panic. I have no intention of taking it off. If it goes anywhere then it's blogger not me. You should be able to click old posts to read the whole thing. I'm really chuffed you all want to read it!!

TF; Got to rainbowmummy's site (nudge, wink).