Thursday, 5 March 2009

Getting Flustered

I seem to have got the lovely Fiona a bit hot under the collar when I suggested a good 'me' day would involve Richard Hammond and a bottle of baby oil.

So these pics are for her (and me!).

First draft of Digging for Victoria is finished!!!!! I ended up with 83000 words, but that will go up when I start the rewrite. It will defiantly need a rewrite. There are at least two scenes that need expanding and a couple of characters that I would like to include more.

We have snow again! It's march in Cornwall and we woke to 3in of snow. What is going on with this weather? They managed to get here to fetch Jamie for school. Town was clear and so was the main road. So just us then. We were worried that Dad wouldn't be able to get to the hospital for his scan. Mum was nearly stranded at Instow last night after skittles. The got home eventually, the whole journey in 2nd gear! Still by the time they had to go for the appointment it was clearing, and you could see the fields were clearing across the valley.

They're not back yet (4.45pm) so no new yet. If there is anything to tell I'll post tomorrow. We're of on our hols tomorrow for a week. Might be the last one we get for a while. Had a letter today with the results of Jamie's lumber puncture. The pressure is still up, in fact up a bit more from the last one. So they have started talking about the shunt again. We have to see the consultant in May so we can decide then.

Hope all of you that have not been feeling too good are feeling better soon. I won't name names but you know who you are, and you know we all love you.


Marcie Steele said...

Hey Claire, congrats on your word count and getting the first draft done and dusted. It's such a fabulous feeling (and achievement) to write The End.

Good luck with the rewrite and keeping my fingers crossed for your dad x

Lane Mathias said...

Snow! In the west country in March?

Well done on finishing your draft. That's great news.

If we don't hear from you before your holiday, I hope you have a wonderful time. And everything crossed for your dad.
Take care. x

French Fancy... said...

Well done on the first draft being completed.

I hope the news about your dad will make you smile not cry and that you have a good holiday.

HelenMWalters said...

Positive thoughts for your Dad and anyone else who needs them xxx

Robert said...

Thanks for the welcome message.

I'm also off on a short holiday, with the children - 2 days after you. I hope that we both have a good time!

DJ Kirkby said...

Congrats on finishing your first draft! I will be back later to see if there is any news about your dad. We had snowflakes here yesterday, I was so very excited. The Hammond is kinda cute isn't he?