Sunday, 7 December 2008

Holiday over, bring on Christmas!

Well that was over far to quickly! It was nice to get away and be just the three of us for a while. We spent some time with one of my best friends who lives near to where we stay. It's one of the reasons for going there. We were at college together, nearly twenty years ago now. I lover her to bits and I wish we lived closer. But her life took her to East Sussex and ours took us to Cornwall. But we try to catch up at least once a year. So far she had been pregnant almost every time we see her! She is twenty weeks with her forth. Her first baby was a lovely little girl who died within seconds of being born. Jamie was only a few months old at the time. She then went on to have two healthy boys within 18months of each other. And now, with the youngest only just turned 18 months, she's five months gone with baby number four. But when I visit them there are two beautifully framed poems dedicated to little Libby, and it makes me realise how grateful I am to have Jamie. With all his problems he is here.

So then. On my last blog I made a thing of saying how I was going to increase my word count on novel number two. Well, um.. how shall I put this? I didn't write anything all week. I took the lap top and notebooks, and lots of good intentions. Then everything else got in the way. So now I need to start again. Hopefully having a week off will be a good thing. I did think through a few things and decided a couple of scenes need reworking. So I shall set to work. Well I'll do as much as I can with Christmas and all that.

Can well all please take a moment to mourn the passing of Charlie. My parents were left in charge of the cats and fish while we were away. And under there care Charlie died. To be far I shouldn't think there would have been much they could have done. As Bonnie said about her own poor Gilbert, there aren't many fish doctors about. But that was not all. We had a call mid week to say they had to take Twinkle to the vets because she was limping. Twinkle is the prettiest little black cat you can imagine. She seems to be getting better now though. On the up side however out black and white Mollies have had babies! So we mush be doing something right. There are three tiny little fish swimming around, so cute!

Jamie loved his holiday, although he didn't sleep much. And he had started playing with 'proper' toys. Before we went he had taken an interest in his leap pad. But while we were away he started playing with a postman pat van belonging to Elizabeth's boys, and a singing IgglePiggle that we bought him in Brighton. He has taken IgglePiggle to bed, which I think might prove a mistake. I can foresee a night spent listening to him sing.


tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Thanks for the visit :0) Your holiday sounded great and in your last post you mention the book that nobody would believe I think it sounds a great idea! I think a week off was a good idea :0)I am the same when it comes to the future,it is scary. I wish I knew what was in store. Now go and get that tree :0)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I'm glad you had a great holiday. I remember my son loving Postman Pat, and standing on a table in a restaurant in Dinan and singing the entire song!

Tamsyn Murray said...

Did IgglePiggle keep you awake then? Anything about Mulberry Gin yet?

Casdok said...

Lovely that you had a great break - it is good to get away. Hope you get back into writing mode soon!

RIP Charlie. The baby fish sound very cute!

claire p said...

rainbowmummy: Got the tree! All systems go! I try not to think too much about the future, too big and too scary.

Debs: And they say we parent embaress the children!

Tam: Amazingly Iggle Piggle free night! No new is good news right?

Casdok: Am just about writing again. The baby fish are sweet. Pic to follow if they ever keep still long enough!