Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Pretty fish and bad endings.

Meet Charlie. He's out Siamese fighter. I would love a whole tank of just these, but they kill each other. So we had to choose just one. They come in so many lovely colours. Maybe if Richard gets his way and we have a third tank we'll get another one.
I have just finished a book that had one of those endings that make you want to scream. 'The Friday Night Knitting Club' (how do you get those little thumbnails of book covers up by the way?) started well. It was the right balance between chick lit and something with a bit more bite. And then the ending just ruined it. OK give the central character cancer, one of life battles and all that. But killing her off just seemed unnecessary. It was the kind of book that should have had a happy ending, and it so easily could have. There was nothing that happened after her death that couldn't have happened if she had survived.
Bad endings was one of the reasons I started writing. So often I would read a novel and be left thinking 'Well that didn't work, it would be better if this happened'. So I thought the best way to get the narrative to go the way I wanted it to was to write it myself.
On the Jamie front. He slept all night last night!!!! The first full night for over a week. And he has become a computer whizz. I think it might be the autistic side coming out. They say that Sotos can cause heightened memory as well. But this is way more.
He as always liked to 'play' on the computer (what kid doesn't?) and so we would sit with him and help. He would point to where he wanted to go on the screen and we would navigate and do the clicking. He had watched us doing the whole start up proses endless times, but still showed no sign of being able to do it himself. He's four with learning difficulties so we didn't think it odd that he wasn't helping.
Anyway one day he comes home from school and asked to go on the computer. We were both in the middle of something and told him to wait five mins. Next think we hear the computer starting up. We both dashed to the sitting room and watched in amazement as he started up. Clicked on the tool bar and brought up Google. Clicked on the favorites list and scrolled down to the one he wanted (he's not supposed to be able to read), clicked on that, then navigated his way through the sight to where he wanted to be. Of course Jamie being Jamie he doesn't go on the children's sites. He likes the BBC iplayer and the channel trailers, intro music from the news and certain programmes, and the freeview site because it has all the logos.
The trouble is we had limited Internet time with out BT package, which he took us over. Que snotty email from BT. So now we've got a new home hub coming with unlimited broadband time!!


Bonnie said...

Your fishy is beautiful too, looks like my Cory but has blue bits instead of green! FYI, I have 13 and they are all in separate good size flower vases and quite content!

Glad your boy slept all night, I know what a relief that can be.
Casey is a computer addict. Be careful, it could happen to your guy!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Lovely photos of the fish, though what a shame they kill each other.

I agree with you about endings, I hate it when they're unnecessarily miserable.

Children are amazing on these computers, so fearless. They know exactly what they want.

claire p said...

Bonnie - I guess you don't need heated tanks in the states then. We have to keep Betta's in tropical heated tanks here, otherwise we would probably have lots more.
Afraid Jamie's already addicted to the computer! But it's one of the few things he takes a real intrest in, so for now we're going with it.

Debs - Jamie certainly lets us know what he wants. I shall get 'My Weekly' first thing in the morning! Well done again.