Thursday, 6 November 2008

Oh please let me sleep!!

Oh Jamie, Jamie, when will you let us sleep!?! Jamie has always had strange sleep pattens. It went from 12 hours to waking for a couple of hours and then going back to sleep. Now he's waking at stupid O'clock and not going back to sleep at all. Last night it was 12.30am, the night before 1.30am. We eventually got him to have an hour before he has to get up for school by putting him in bed with us, and holding him down! He has a lovely sleep councilor and we thought we'd got it cracked. Then we went to Butlins and it all started again. Ho Hum.

Richard had turned into a fish tank anorak. He used to keep fish as a child but hadn't shown any interest in ever keeping fish. He also used to breed buggies and rabbits. Then his sister and brother-in-law came down with a small fish tank for Jamie as a Christmas present. We set it up with plants and fish, lovely (see above). Trouble is it's given him the bug back. And because he's not allowed to do too much at the mo he's getting really into it. So, last week, I found myself handing over £150 for a huge tank for his own Christmas pressie. Now the, not very big, living room looks like a doctors waiting room! Mind you, I have to confess, I do rather like them, just don't tell Richard or he'll fill the house. I just hope he dosen't rediscover buggies and bunnies!


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Fish tanks are so therapeutick, aren't they. Mind you, I'm sure that if we had one I'd spend the entire day entranced and wouldn't get anything done.

I hope you get some sleep tonight, and best of luck with the novel, I hope the agent likes it.

Kat W said...

Aha! Another exhausted writer living in Cornwall. Maybe we should start a club. Except we'd be too tired to organise it :-) LOL. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Kat :-)

Michelle said...

Sleep deprivation is the worst challenge any parent experiences. Almost anything else is bearable if sleep is had!! Hope you have better nights soon and Jamie finds that manageable sleep pattern again.
Fish - definietly theraputic and I am glad they bring some pleasure too.
Take care and wishing you all good sleep and sweet dreams

Butch Boo said...

You should try Triops!! I love them!!

Otherwise known as sea monkeys. I had three hatch- Tracy, Fat Trevor and Tinkerbell!!



Hope you get some decent sleep soon