Friday, 28 November 2008


We're off on holiday tomorrow!! A whole week without holiday cottage owners calling with stupid demands. We go to Alfriston a lot because we found out it is a mobile phone black hole. It's great because they can't get us! We went away once and were sitting having a coffee, relaxing with the peace and quiet, nice views and all that, when the mobile went. It was a cottage owner to inform us that she had taken a booking for that week and could we get the cottage ready please!! We had told them all that we were going away, but do they listen? Now we have a Wendy. Everyone should have a Wendy. She is our supervisor and takes charge when we go away, so if they decide they need someone to go down and turn the telly over for them (that has happened, no kidding), then there will be someone to do it. If, and when, we ever give this up I could write several books on the weird and wonderful things we come across, but I don't think anyone would ever believe me!

I don't mean to sound ungrateful. We have a business that is still going well, and at the moment that is a blessing. So far there are very few bookings for next season, so we might not have such a thriving business in twelve months!

Still it will all go away for seven whole days. No work and no hospital appointments.

I still have so much to learn about Jamie's new diagnosis of autism. It took long enough to get information on Sotos, now we have to start again with another condition. Still there are some lovely bloggers out there who are proving very helpful, thank you.

My word count is nearly at the magic fifty thousand! I'm hoping it will go up considerably this next week. Either that or I'll not get anything written at all! I'm determined to get the first draft finished by my birthday in Feb.
The sixty days the agent who has 'Mulberry Gin' has it to read runs out next week. Keep everything crossed that she says yes! She has to say yes, please let her say yes!


Michelle said...

Hope you have a wonderful break Claire. Kat and I have a 'Wendy' but she is called Lynn - organises us 'creative types!!'
Will keep everything crossed for you for good news about your book.

Have a lovely time

Casdok said...

Have a great holiday - hope the weather cheers up for you.

A new diagnosis is a lot to get your head round. But here in blogging land you will find many wonderful people who are a great support, and will make new friends - even if you dont meet them!

Bonnie said...

I hope you enjoy your holiday!

Kat W said...

Hope you have a great holiday (or as I'm writing this after you've gone - have had a great holiday)

Fingers crossed on 'Mulberry Gin' being a yes.

Kat :-)